What happens at junior cricket coaching sessions?
Children are taught basic skills such as catching, throwing, bowling and batting in a friendly, supportive environment. They learn in groups of not more than 20 based on age and ability. Sessions are held every Friday in the spring and summer.
Do children need any equipment?
No. Everything is provided. All they need is comfortable clothes and footwear such as sturdy training shoes. Later, if you do want to buy kit for your child, our online shop has a selection of quality clothing at competitive prices.
Are the coaches qualified?
Yes. Our coaches have ECB coaching badges.
Will my child play with a hard ball?
Youngsters aged from school years one to four play with a soft ball. They move on to a hard ball in year five, only after they have been taught to use one safely.
Will my child play any competitive cricket?
They do not have to play competitively if they do not want to, but we enter teams of various ages into leagues and tournaments through the summer. League games are played on week evenings after school and Sunday mornings. See links to fixture lists at foot of this page.

Do I have to stay with my child during junior cricket coaching sessions?
Parents are encouraged to stay and support their children, and remain responsible for them throughout the session (though another adult can be designated carer in the absence of a parent).
What if my child has a medical condition?
Parents are asked to declare any medical conditions affecting their child when they complete our registration form. They will also be asked to agree to our emergency protocol. There are trained first-aiders at the coaching sessions.
Can children with disabilities and/or special needs take part?
Our club is committed to being inclusive and we do all we can to accommodate any child who wants to play cricket.
Will pictures be taken of my child?
We like to celebrate children’s achievements and post pictures on our website and Facebook page. We may also send them to local newspapers. If you do not want you child’s picture used you should complete the opt-out section of the registration form.
What happens during bad weather?
We notify parents about bad weather arrangements through our website and Facebook page as far in advance as possible. You may also phone a coach to check (please ask for their number when you go to training for the first time).
Are there refreshments available?
Our bar serving alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and snacks is open every coaching session. There are also hot dogs on sale.
How do I register and pay?
After you register your child here you will be sent a request for payment.
How much does it cost?
Every child aged eight to 18 attending coaching, or playing for a team, must become a junior member of the club, which costs £25. Youngsters enrolled on either our All Stars or Dynamos programme (see below) are not required to pay a membership fee.
What is All Stars Cricket?
Children aged five to eight take part in the ECB All Stars Cricket programme at Bredon, which costs £40 for eight sessions (participants are not required to become members of Bredon Cricket Club). They are held on Friday evenings from 5.30pm until 6.15pm starting on Friday, May 14. Register here.
What is Dynamos Cricket?
Children aged eight to 11 take part in the ECB Dynamos Cricket programme at Bredon, which costs £40 for eight sessions (participants are not required to become members of Bredon Cricket Club). They are held on Friday evenings from 5.30pm until 6.15pm starting on Friday, May 14. Register here.
Any other questions about junior cricket coaching?
Our friendly coaches are always available to answer any other questions.
Fixtures for all Bredon’s teams (senior and junior) are listed here.