June 2017 newsletter: Things are looking good for Bredon

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It is June. We are about halfway through the season, and it is turning out to be such a good one for Bredon Cricket Club.

Senior teams

June: Bredon v Alderton Wanderers
Our First XI are enjoying a first-rate season and are currently top of the league

The First XI are riding high in the Worcestershire County League’s second division, having lost just one game so far, while the Second XI are also playing well and currently lie fourth in the third division.

The Third XI continue to act as the club’s development team, giving our youngsters valuable match time with more experienced players.

Junior teams

June: Bretforton were too strong for Bredon Under 12s, who fell to a 27-run defeat
All our junior teams are continuing to develop well

All our junior teams (the Under 11s, Under 12s, Under 13s and Under 15s) are performing well in the Cotswold Hills League.

Meanwhile, the club is running the ECB-backed All Star Cricket programme for younger children for the first time this season. It means the club is now developing players through from five years to adult.

New coach

Coach Tom Walsingham
Tom Walsingham is welcomed to Bredon by first team captain Kevin Wilkins

The impact of our new coach, Tom Walsingham, who joined us at the start of the season has been immediate.

Our senior teams are performing better, and Tom is passing on his experience to the youngsters at both the All Stars sessions and junior coaching on Friday evenings.

We have also gained the services of former Gloucestershire batsman and wicketkeeper Andy Stovold, who will be helping with our Friday evening junior coaching sessions.

Practice nets

June: Tesco Bags of Help money will help provide new practice nets at Bredon Cricket Club
Our nets renovation project has been delayed, but work is set to start soon

Plans to renovate the club’s practice nets have been delayed by factors beyond our control, but finance is in place for the project and it is hoped to start work soon. The club was given £1,000 from the Tesco Bags of Help scheme to help pay for the project.

Tower Run

June: Heading for the top: Runners tackling the Bredon Cricket Club Tower Run 2017
The first Bredon Cricket Club Tower Run 2017 was a big success

The run (pictures here) was held for the first time on May 28 and was a big success.

Almost 100 runners entered and we received some very complimentary feedback.

It is planned to make the run an annual event and build it into a key plank in the club’s programme of fund-raising activities. Next year’s run is on Sunday, May 27, 2018.

Bredon Hill Bash

Looking ahead, we are taking part in an exciting new competition in August.

The Bredon Hill Bash is a 20-over tournament for local teams, the winners of which will be presented with a magnificent trophy.

Also taking part are Overbury, Ashton-under-Hill and the Crown Inn, Kemerton.

Bredon’s first game, against Overbury, is on Sunday, August 6. The match starts at Hill Close at 2.30pm.

End of season

June is far too early to be talking about the end of the season, nevertheless club members should make a note in their diary: the end of season dinner is on Saturday, September 23… and this is looking like it might be a year to celebrate!

More details nearer the time.

Thank you, everyone, for your continuing support for Bredon Cricket Club.

Neil Hall
June 2017





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